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Two On One is a podcast and talk show co-hosted by Revs. Stephanie Kendell and Arthur Stewart. Each week we bring on a dynamic and inspiring faith leader to talk about the intersections of pop-culture and theology. New Episodes Wednesday's at 1/12c


Rev. Arthur Stewart (He/Him) is the Senior Pastor of Riverside Christian Church in Wichita, KS. He is a husband, parent, and avoider of Instagram. 


Rev. Stephanie "Spiff" Kendell (She/Her) is the Executive Minister and COO of Park Avenue Christian Church in New York City. She had perfect attendance from K-12th grade, is allergic to bananas, and has two cats, Physics and The Funk.

"This was so fun!"

All of our Guests!

"I tune in every week."

Stephanie's mom

"Dean is the worst of Rory's boyfriends."

True fans of Gilmore Girls


What's all this, then?

Two on One is a weekly talk show and Podcast where Two (Revs. Arthur Stewart and Stephanie Kendell) interview One (a theologian of some stripe) about the pop culture thing of their choosing.


Are you guys actually ministers?

Yes. Both Rev. Stephanie and Rev. Arthur are ordained ministers in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), serving congregations in New York City and Wichita, Kansas, respectively.


How did you two meet and start doing this?

We are both alumni of Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas and become friends through the churches we served during that time. We starting doing Two on One after having a few lively conversations about Sondheim and Parks and Rec on Instagram Live.


If you were guests, what would your episodes be about?

Stephanie - Broadway's RENT - she's seen it over 40 times! 

Arthur - The Principal and the Pauper, the episode of The Simpsons that ruined the show.


Why does Arthur call you Spiff?

Spiff is a nickname that Stephanie picked up in 6th grade from her best friend, Chum. 

Stephanie does not like to be called Steph, so her friends have been calling her Spiff for over 25 years. 


Is Travis Smith-McKee going to be invited back before he writes you a theme song?



Can I be on the show?

We invite, with very rare exception, folks with a theological education to engage with us on Two on One. If you meet that criteria, please be in touch with us. If you think we are wrong and would benefit from a Pop Culturalist talking theology rather than a Theologian talking pop culture, by all means, make your case.


Are you ever going to do an episode about _______________?

Guests choose our topics, and Revs. Stephanie and Arthur have agreed to make every reasonable effort to become versed in whatever they choose. (Arthur will not do horror movies. Do not ask him to.)

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